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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Liebster Award Nominees!

I am SO excited and proud to introduce 3 amazing ladies as my nominees for the Liebster Award for new bloggers :)
Each of these bloggers is unique from the others and has amazing talents to share with the world. I'm sure you will really enjoy discovering their blogs and will want to begin following them!

First, meet Alison of All About Joy
If you want to be uplifted and infuse happiness into your life, Alison will definitely inspire you.

Next, meet Nora of Nora's Nest
I am in awe of Nora's style! I think she has a fantastic talent for design, and I always look forward to seeing what she will blog about next :)

And finally, meet my friend Kim of the Simple 66 Gal.
Kim is someone who has so much to give. Her blog is a great combination of creativity, love, faith and fun.

So, here are the questions I am posing to my nominees, so that we can all get to know them better...

1. Why did you start blogging? (I copied this one from LeeLee, who nominated me.)

2. What has surprised you most about blogging since you began?

3. What has been your favorite travel destination to date, and where would you most like to go in the future?

4. What's the best gift you've ever received?

5. What's your favorite movie of all time?

6. What is your favorite childhood memory?

7. What ability or skill do you most wish you had?

8. What do you think is your best characteristic?

9. What feeds your creativity?

10. What's one thing you'd rather pay someone to do than do yourself?

11. What is your favorite flower?

Be sure to follow along with my three awesome blogger-nominees to read the answers to these questions and to find out 11 other tidbits that they will share about themselves. Also, check in with LeeLee at Paper Bag Styling too! She's the one who got this little party started at Renaissance Mermaid :)


  1. Great choices! Congratulations all around ladies!

  2. Congratulations! I have to check out these new blogs.

    1. The blogging world is very welcoming and inviting, and there's a lot of good stuff out there :)
