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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Survival of the Fittest?

This has turned into a glorious Spring, bursting with gorgeous scents and colors. Here is a glimpse of the unfolding of flowers and bushes around our yard. The lilacs and irises are especially treasured because they are so short-lived.

And to update you on our front-porch bird is Mrs. Robin giving me a warning glare as I water the flowers and try to snap photos of her babies. (See my last post about the cohabiting robin and finch here.)

Day One...not so attractive.

Day Two...HUNGRY kids.

Day Three...look at the little feathers forming, and those huge beaks!

Day Four...getting bigger, but still all beak, haha.

I'm worried, though. As you can see in these photos, there is no sign of any baby finch or egg now. I'm not sure if it got smothered by the robins (survival of the fittest) or if by some stroke of luck it is still in there. Poor Mrs. Finch still sits on that nest as often as Mrs. Robin will allow. I hope she knows something that I don't...I guess time will tell and nature will take its course.

While I can, I'll savor the sights and smells that surround me.

Sharing with Dwellings The Heart of Your Home, Smile for No Reason


  1. Julie I love your Lilacs!!! I tried to plant one last year and lets just say that's the last time I saw it! lol Those little birds! How great you got those pics...although Day 1 was not so cute looking. :P

    1. I know, LeeLee. The birds are looking much more robin-like now :)

  2. Love the update...envy your flowers! Our lilacs have not bloomed yet. I think they will soon. Those little birds are something else...nature is amazing, isn't it? Thanks for sharing their story!

    1. Jodee, I love the no-maintenance perennials and bushes as I do not have a green thumb. Soon our little robins will likely fly away, but it has been fun to watch them!

  3. How sweet! I hope the wee Finch is okay!
    Your flowering bushes are lovely - don't you just love this time of year?

    1. This is most definitely one of my favorite times of the year :) Thanks for stopping by.

  4. What beautiful pics! I love the birds, they are adorable to me even on day one. I hope all is well with the finch.

    1. Thanks, Carla. My Ipad takes pretty good pictures, even though I am not much of a photographer...
      Sadly, I don't think the finch made it, but I'll be updating again soon.

  5. You yard is looking fabulous. Love the flowers and the baby birds are amazing.

    1. Everything is so green and pretty right now, Marty. I hope it lasts for a bit and we don't get the hot, hot summer too soon.

  6. Oh, Julie, I love this post!! Nature at its best. Flowers and birds. Move here and let's hang out.

    1. Dana, your comment made me smile from ear to ear :) We would have so much fun if we lived closer to one another! So glad I got to meet you when I did.

  7. Awww, that's beautiful Julie. I wish lilacs stayed longer, their scent is intoxicating. Peonies too. ~Ann
    Tarnished Royalty

  8. Hi Julie, thank you for adding me to your circles - I'm following you back, and I so enjoy meeting new people and new blogs. It looks like we definitely have some similar interests - garden, birds, and we'll see how many others as I read more of your posts, past and future. :) I had a nest very early in spring in my climbing roses (discovered when it was being pruned). There was one egg, and Mrs. Song Sparrow. Then, suddenly, the egg was gone (no evidence of foul play), and Mrs. Sparrow relocated, I suppose. It's been a few years since I've had a robin's nest, but I have some great photos from the past (non like your Day 1, though!). It's nice making your acquaintance.
    Rita C at Panoply

  9. The pictures you captured of the birds are amazing. And yes that robin does look as though she or he is glaring at you. Lol. Love lilacs, they smell wonderful in the spring. Wish they lasted longer. Thank you for linking up at the Everyday Life Photography Link Up!
