For the month of December, Wayfair.com is challenging bloggers to spread holiday cheer by doing a good deed. Deeds can include any act of kindness, no matter how big or small. For every blog that participates and includes the badge, Wayfair will donate $50 to Habitat for Humanity! What a fantastic organization to assist!
When my friend, Benita, of Chasing Quaintness invited me to participate in this philanthropic project, I was honored and thrilled to be a part of it! Allow me to pause for a quick moment to encourage you to visit Benita's blog...she is amazing, funny, generous, and kind...you won't be disappointed!
Now, on to the "challenge". Wayfair is urging as many bloggers as possible to spread kindness. I have shopped with Wayfair in the past and have loved my experiences, but let me say that now I love Wayfair even more! I don't think we can ever do enough acts of kindness...our world certainly needs every little bit of goodwill available these days.
One of my personal favorite ways to give back is by doing a special little project. For the past 3 years, I've created and sold handmade items at a local holiday craft fair. Then, by dividing the profits, I give each of my family members a signed check for Christmas and ask them to donate it to an organization that is close to their hearts. This way, the money aids multiple charities and gives each of us that warm feeling of helping out.
Wayfair also offers these suggestions for ways to pay it forward:
Pay the tolls for a car behind you in line
Offer a spare umbrella to someone in a rainstorm
Surprise a neighbor with freshly-baked treats
Bring a donation to a cause you support
Leave a gas gift card at a pump
Surprise a service worker with an extra big tip
Offer to do grocery shopping for an elderly neighbor
Rake your neighbor's yard or snowblow their driveway when they are at work
Send flowers to the office staff at your child's school

And in the spirit of giving, I'd like to invite Sally of Cottage Fix and Rita of Panoply to consider participating in the Blog It Forward challenge. I hope you ladies will enjoy spreading cheer with Wayfair :)
Thanks Wayfair, and hugs to my friend, Benita!
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